Sussex Staff



Elizabeth Akerblom
Executive Officer, (Visiting and Exchange students)
Tel: 01273 877026 Ext 7026

Regional responsibilities: Worldwide
Liz has worked at the University of Sussex since 1986.  During this time she has worked in postgraduate admissions and the International and Study Abroad Office (ISAO). In the ISAO she deals with all aspects of the admission of visiting and exchange (V&E) students, such as housing, financial issues and general queries, the V&E Exam Board, issuing transcripts, liaising with partner institutions about arrival and the welcome programme.







David Brimage
Executive Officer (European Programmes)
Tel: 01273 877040 Ext 7040

Responsibilities: Europe, Central and South America
David is the main contact for the Erasmus programme for outgoing students and staff at the University.  He is responsible for maintaining current links and establishing new ones with partner universities as well as allocating Erasmus grants to outgoing students.
Previously, David has worked in both the FE and HE sectors, supporting international students and as an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teacher.


Lucy Cahalin
Executive Officer (Asian Programmes)
Tel: 01273 678002 Ext 8002

Responsibilities: Asia
Lucy has only recently started in her current role in which she will develop new links with partner universities in Asia as well as oversee study abroad opportunities for students studying at partner summer schools.
Previous to this, Lucy was the Study Abroad Advisor within the team. In this role she worked closely with the Executive Officers for Europe, Asia, Australia and the US. Her main responsibilities were promoting study abroad opportunities to current Sussex students and overseeing the application process throughout the year as well as providing support for the students once abroad.












Christine Feest
Study Abroad assistant
Tel: 01273 872951 Ext 2951

Regional responsibilities: Study Abroad / Global
Christine assists in the Study Abroad office with student support and ensuring that reports are returned from those students on the Erasmus programme.
Christine joined the International and Study Abroad office in 2009.


Martin Hookham
Head of International Office
Tel: 01273 873 826 Ext 3826

Responsibilities: International student recruitment and Sussex Abroad programmes
Martin has overall responsibility for the University’s international marketing and recruitment strategy. He also oversees study abroad, exchange and  international staff mobility.
Martin joined Sussex in 2011 after leading international recruitment at the University of Roehampton for  the previous five years. Martin recently completed an MBA in Higher Education Management at the Institute of Education and has membership of the Chartered Institute of Marketing.


Prof. Chris Marlin
Pro Vice Chancellor (International)
Tel: +44 1273 877862

Responsibilities: Internationalisation at Sussex
Chris Marlin is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International) and Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Sussex, where he is also Professor of Software Engineering.  Prior to joining the University in 2009, Chris was Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Flinders University in South Australia, where he had university-wide responsibility for research from 1998 to 2009.  Prior to this, he was Head of Computer Science at Flinders from 1992-1998, and has also held academic positions in Computer Science at the University of Iowa and the University of Adelaide.
Chris has responsibility for internationalisation at Sussex in all its forms, including international students and their recruitment, promoting an international experience for Sussex students, facilitating international research links and developing partnerships, with a particular focus since his appointment on a more strategic approach to significant international partnerships.
Responsibilities beyond internationalisation include line management for three academic Schools and two university-wide Centres, and responsibility for major projects, ranging from a new HR information system to the construction of a new academic building.


Louise Mitchell
Clerical Assistant
Tel: 01273 678422 Ext 8422

Louise works in the International & Study Abroad Office and deals with visiting & exchange students. She processes applications, liaises with partner institutions regarding admission procedures (in particular European partners), arrival, orientation and any related issues once the students are registered at Sussex.




Emily Sinclair
Head of International Programmes
Tel: 01273 678422 Ext 7033

Regional responsibilities: Worldwide
As Head of International Programmes, Emily oversees Sussex's international student exchange partnerships, the placement of incoming visiting and exchange students to Sussex and outgoing Sussex students on study abroad.  Emily is the University’s Institutional Co-ordinator for the ERASMUS programme, which provides a framework and financial support for student and staff mobility (teaching and training) to institutions in Europe.
Emily joined Sussex in 2000, following four years in the International Office at the University of Brighton. Before that, Emily was teaching English in Chile, and in Madrid, Spain.  Emily has an MA* in French Language and Media from the University of Brighton, and a BA in French and Spanish (Literature) from the University of Westminster.


Elizabeth Wingfield
Executive Officer
Tel: 01273 678558 Ext 8558

Responsibilities: North America
Liz is responsible for the allocation and preparation of Sussex students who will be studying abroad in North America, Australia and Asia as part of their degree programme. The majority of her work involves liaising closely with the 42 exchange campuses we have in North America. Liz is involved with the whole process - from the submission of campus preferences, guiding the students with their preparation for study abroad, dealing with welfare matters which may arise when students are abroad, and all administrative issues on their return.


Marcus Williams
Director of Student Recruitment Services
Responsibilities: Student Recruitment Services 
Marcus is Director of Student Recruitment and International Affairs. He heads up a team of 40 staff, encompassing 4 areas: UK student recruitment, International student recruitment, Study Abroad and Marketing.
Prior to joining Sussex in January 2010, Marcus headed up UK student recruitment at the University of Birmingham from 2003 – 2010 and before that had been an Assistant Registrar and Senior International Officer at the University of Warwick from 1996 – 2003.
Marcus is a graduate of the University of Warwick, from where he received a Bachelors in Politics and International Studies, Masters in Race and Ethnic Studies and more recently, his MBA.
Marcus works closely with the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (International), Professor Chris Marlin, and reports to the Registrar and Secretary, John Duffy.

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